Monday, August 11, 2014

real love

it's about the beauty that can be wrought from the harmony of differences and the multiplication of similarities. it's about the sum being greater than it's component parts.

a beautiful purple comes from adding red to blue 

it's about two people who implicitly trust and deeply know who they are, being strong enough to hold on to that trust and knowledge in the face of being challenged - strong enough to keep that grip while considering another perspective.

it's about seeing the value in the ways the other is different and being willing to wear their shoes, see through their eyes, feel through their heart, and allowing yourself to be moved by that experience.

it moves you - stirs something ancient and something powerful deep in your soul placed there by someone long ago. it affects you, changes you, wakes you, shakes you, destroys you.

real love is not easy.

real love breaks your heart in the places it has become hardened. it pushes you, stretches you, challenges you, annoys you, maddens you.

but in the end, real love yields real value. love makes life better - makes you better. 

real love might be the most beautiful thing in life. and it's worth the effort - worth the trials, the errors, the failures, scraped knees. 
i believe in it.

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