Monday, January 19, 2009

mlk day = segregation day

here's a little glimpse into the "bigotry" of my life:
martin luther king jr. was certainly a good man (that's what i'm told). this being said, i have a problem with the celebration of his birthday.

there was a chapel today dedicated to the man and his work and also what he stood for and fought for. i have no problem with this. the guy inspires me. however something happens to people during this type of thing. somehow it turns into a black pride day. somehow if you're black you feel real good about yourself, almost (dare i say it) superior in some way?

i have no problem with feeling good about yourself either, but this type of thing seems to reinforce the walls that were built that martin luther king jr. fought so hard against. after all they only exist in our minds anyway. on a campus like ours they are almost non-existent every other day, except today. i find that a little ironic. on the day we are supposed to be celebrating a man that fought against this type of thing, the differences between white people and black people are pronounced. walking across campus directly after chapel i noticed (more than on other days) groups of black people walking together with not one white person in their midst. i'm disgusted.

p.s. go ahead and judge me. but beware, there might just be some of your own fingers pointing back at you.

p.p.s. maybe i'm wrong. maybe this stuff really does exists and we just supress it. maybe days like today just act like a trigger for the stuff beneath the surface. i don't know. i suppose i could be wrong (oh no! i'm not a bigot anymore).

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Sunday, January 4, 2009

new and old

new quarter, new possibilities, same old problem.

it would be nice to not have to worry about money. whenever i bring this up, the simple answer  comes to mind, "then don't." but it seems that's a hard thing for me to do.

no one puts a new patch on an old garment. then the patch would shrink and rip away from the old, already shrunken garment. i wonder if people would put an old patch on a new shirt. why would they need to? if you had a new shirt, why would it need a patch?

can i solve my problem? or should i just dismiss it and hope it solves itself? or can i put it off and deal with it later on down the road?

should i do as much as i can right now and believe that by the time the next financial obstacle becomes eminent something will come up? what do i do here? there must be a solution. 

i bet there are tons of people, students and adults alike, who must understand this situation. in a way, that's encouraging. i feel like i'm more human. sharing in life's experiences.