Monday, March 4, 2013


i feel so entitled to so many things so very often.
if i'm "deprived" of what i feel i deserve, then i feel like someone has stolen my ability to be happy and committed an egregious wrong against me. i feel totally justified in feeling like my world is a poor place to live.
 impatient when my phone drops a call or fails to send a message four times in a row.
 upset when someone judges me.
 taken advantage of when i have to pay over four dollars per gallon for gasoline.
 start seeing red when i hit every red light on the way to the coffee shop.
 pushed around when i have to do extra busywork for some class.
i could go on.
then i see someone who has so little of what i feel so indignantly entitled to... and yet they are overwhelmingly grateful. they're the ones who see true value. these are the ones who see sunsets.
and i'm struck silent.

i'm humbled by a realization.
i've grossly taken for granted all the beautiful gifts i possess.
and in gratitude's place i find discontent and resentment.

i have so much.
i have three people i consider my parents who each love me in a way no one else could
 a few dollars in my pocket
 legs that run when i tell them to
 eyes to see flowers, mountains, smiles, and beauty
 family that i know would have my back if shit went down
 friends that see the value in my unique humanity
i could go on.
life is a precious gift. i take a minute to really feel it flowing through me and things seem back in order.

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