suddenly the little feet on the legs of the chair slipped straight forward. to make a short story long, i instantly realized i was falling and there was nothing i could do about it except maybe prevent my head from smashing against the wall behind me, but before i could react, i was crumpled on the floor like a dirty t-shirt in the hamper.
as soon as i collected myself and sat back down, i noticed my elbow burned. i looked an saw a perfectly circular scrape. "that's a perfectly circular scrape." i thought. "i wonder how that happened." then i realized, "that's about the same size as my buttons on my coat on the back of my chair."
check - clear
check - clear
check - there it was.
i had pinned one my buttons to the linoleum with my elbow and sure enough, some of my skin tissue remained under the fingernails of my button as evidence.
i felt a little bit like the star character on my own version of the popular show "csi: wwu"
case closed.
hahahaha i wish i could have seen that!
Oh my goodness Jacob you are such a good writer! I really wish I could have seen this, although the mental picture is pretty good:)
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