Thursday, March 18, 2010


Family is the bread that holds the soup. Don’t read into that statement just let it sink into your heart, like soup sinking into the family bread bowl and you’ll know what I mean. Wednesday night is family night and Jacob and I had family dinner. Pizza with all the fixin’s (secret family recipe). Finals are over and they’ve left holes in our schedules and our hearts and we’ve tried to fill those holes with what’s important. Today I talked to every member of my immediate family but at the end of the day I walked to my basement apartment, carried my bike down the stairs and who was there to meet me? Jacob Graybill. He knows how to show the love. To illustrate how well he shows the love I’ll say that I know what his mustache and goatee feel like against my forehead. He’s family except for one thing, with family, you share either a last name or blood and we share neither. There are two remedies to this, becoming blood brothers, which we’ve both decided against mainly because it requires us to bleed, or have the same last name. So henceforth I will be know as Alex B. K. Graybill-Vercio and he will be known as Jacob S. Vercio-Graybill. Jacob welcome to the family. -Alex

family is the friends we don’t get to choose (that sounds vaguely familiar). sort of like eating. it’s the hobby we don’t get to pick. alex is like a really good apple pie. you have to eat to live, but sometimes the food you get to eat is really delicious. alex is like the family you get to choose (now that’s familiar). we often drink tea together or, like the picture here, eat food ceremoniously together… really close together. maybe we like to sit on the couch so close because it’s functional. we can both see the computer screen, or smell each other’s breath, or give a high-five with little effort, or whatever else you can easily do (feed each other?) when you find yourself sitting so close to another person that it’s impossible to determine who it was that just farted. but maybe we sit like that because we like to. we’re pretty much family. i mean, we’re roommates. but, who knows, maybe we’ll make it official. maybe we’ll “tie the knot” through the ceremony of becoming blood-brothers (a two man wolf-pack) by cutting our palms then clasping our hands, letting our blood mingle together... or maybe we’ll just hyphenate our last names. -jacob

1 comment:

Jenny said...

You two are hilarious!