Friday, December 11, 2009


i stood in the din for only a moment.
"what in the world are you all wearing?!" i demanded.
"iron boots." replied one of the thoughts calmly, unmoved by my distress.
"what are iron boots for?"
"walking." said another thought, "duh".
i wanted to pull my hair out!
incessant! walking?!
"well... what are those thoughts doing over there in iron boots?" i struggled to maintain composure.


EMILY STAR said...

how is life? haven't seen you slavin' in the lib. late. ~emily

vercccccccccccio said...

dude, it's been like three days since you had a blog idea. what's wrong with you? it's probably something deep.

Carley Truelove said...

Hey Jacob,

This is Jacob Greybill right? not sure if thats spelled right.

So your mom tells you we used to be buddies? I think my mom mentioned the same thing back when we went to UCA. We didn't hang out much at UCA though. But if you used to live on Guam, then I'm sure we used to be buddies back in the good ol days. Thats how I know Alex too, we actually lived in Guam and Colorado at the same times.

Anyways, thanks for the blog comment, I need to try to make it down to wally world soon, maybe I'll stop by and catch up with my Guamanian friends, since you and Alex live together I hear.
