Monday, April 25, 2016


he was the weathered sea captain who knew. he knew the quickest way to tie down a sail when a storm came up out of nowhere. he instinctively knew the best angle to guide the ship versus the waves. he knew the way the deck smelled after a rain - the way the sunlight breaking through the clouds near the horizon made your soul rest at ease. he knew because he'd done it. he'd sailed these very seas. he knew that the storm would pass because he had ridden it out himself.

and he knew the only way a person could know those things was by
taking a deep breath,
watching it come, and
fighting through, then
watching it pass.

"and in times of trouble
i could turn to my [father]
and i knew that would understand,
so at age 18 i cried to my [father]
and he told me young man,
there are moments when you fall to the ground,
but you are stronger than you feel you are now,
you don't always have to speak so loud,
just be as you are.
life is not always a comfortable ride,
everybody has scars that they hide,
everybody plays the fool sometimes,
just be as you are."       -(adapted from) be as you are - mike posner

 i miss you so

Tuesday, April 12, 2016


"For to be human is to be incomplete, yet yearn for completion; it is to be uncertain yet long for certainty; to be imperfect yet long for perfection; to be broken yet crave wholeness."

Saturday, April 2, 2016

"The metal of these wrenches is so cold it hurts the hands. But it's a good hurt. It's real, not imaginary, and it's here, absolutely, in my hand,"
-Robert Pirsig 'zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance'