last night at about 3:45 am i heard an unsettling sound. it was the sound of our dog, a big german shepherd, whimpering and pacing in the downstairs, indicating that he had to pee... bad! i stayed where i was hoping that someone else would hear and take care of the problem. no such luck. no one came for what seemed like twenty minutes. i finally figured i wasn't going to fall back to sleep while he was carrying on, so i got up and headed for the door almost being knocked down by the big dolt in his mad dash to answer natures call. somehow, i managed to get the door open and let bruno escape, so i figured i'd head for the bathroom myself. 'couldn't hurt' i figured. then, about halfway through the kitchen my foot landed upon a slippery substance. urine!! dog urine. bruno pulled a, "i'm so excited, i can't control my bladder!" when he saw me up to let him free. so, there i was, half awake, pee soaked foot, in the middle of the night. not too complicated. i hopped to the paper towels, wiped off my foot, found some kind of cleaning agent, cleaned my foot, wiped up the pee with more paper towels, then cleaned the floor with a couple of clorox bleach wipe things. problem solved.
after this, i used the bathroom myself, let the dog back in, and went back to bed. 'good thing that was on the linoleum' i thought.
this evening, i had to wash the dishes after the after-thanksgiving dinner. this meant that i had to wash some of the dishes that contained the main courses. some big dishes, lots of silverware and a few plates and cups... with lots of food residue coating every surface. chunks! this is not a simple situation. i had to strategically get all the dishes clean without a dishwasher while using as little water as possible. you can probably imagine the details, the nasty dishwater, etc.
somehow, the dishes were more gross than the urine. this strikes me as odd. it's a mystery of life. why is doing the dishes so disgusting?