Friday, August 29, 2008


i feel like it used to be that when a young person graduated from highschool they either married off (female) and became a wife, or they started working full time at the farm or whatever they'd been doing on the side while they learned to 'read and write'. only very rarely did a young person come home and say, "i'm going to college!". boy, but when they did! it was quite the big deal. especially when they succeeded! they sure made the family proud! heck, the whole town was proud! i'm sure that many more wanted to than actually did go to college, however, it just wasn't for every one. those that never went probably assumed that they'd fail if they tried, so they stayed home where they were expected. eventually they took over father's farm and were burried next to their parents out by the barn... of course leaving the farm to their own kids...

i could be wrong about that, but that is my perception.

it seems now that a bit of a flip-flop has occured.

now college has become the thing that is expected and for everyone and succeeding at the alternative has become something for the adventurous. is it just me or is college not really challenging? i mean everyone does it! people just mindlessly go because it's what's expected. after second grade, there's fourth grade, and after high school, there's college. when i used to bravely say, "i don't want to go to college!" i had many many people tell me, "well it's possible. look at so and so. and so and so else doesn't have a degree either... but those people are extremely gifted and talented people, jacob."

so for the rest of us... there's college. we'll pay our dues because it's what's expected. we'll put thousands upon thousands of dollars and years and years into something we'll only use a percentage of. not that we don't dream of other things. but we'll settle for the safe route. the guarantee. why should we take a risk when there's an easy standard to kind of fall into? right?

(i guess i like to re-check my motives everyonce in a while... make myself think)

Sunday, August 24, 2008

there go the olympics...

and there goes everything that keeps me occupied all day right along with it. what am i gonna do?

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

bright horizon

looks like the sun is rising over there.

i have (almost) nothing but excitement for the future. there's some good things coming up here. i think i always get this way around this time of year. new things are happening, i love new things.

my birthday is next month on the 22nd... and i'll be 22. this means that this upcoming year is my golden year. pretty cool!

all this cool stuff is just out of reach into the future. what about the present jacob? what about right now? don't miss the moments!