here are some portions of my journaling and a few choice pictures. it ended up longer than is most pleasant so, feel free to read some and skip the rest. whatevs
5-9-08 dinner time:today started off confusing, the map showed only one trail for at least three miles, and i came upon 2 forks in the trail within the first mile! needless to say, i got lost. i found out later why. the map i have, the only one i could find is from 1980! that's before i was even born! i can't believe they sold that thing to me for $9.00!
another reason i got lost today was snow. which is ironic because at the trailhead there was virtually no snow. i smirked to myself thinking about how wrong the naysaying forest service people had been. they were saying i would need crampons, ice axe, snowshoes. i was walking on snow probably 3-7ft deep at least 75% of the time. snow shoes? i don't even have goretex shoes! my feet were wet and i didn't know which trail i was on, but it didn't matter much, it wasn't

very cold and i knew i wanted to go east. i soon lost the trial because of the snow so i just traveled due east according to my gps. i figured it didn't matter if i didn't make it to my destination, all i needed was water and a dry spot to pitch my tent...
...soon i saw two things, ominous clouds from the south [blowing north-northeast] and what appeared to be red mountain (the only prominent mountain in the immediate vicinity) to the northeast
...and so began a race to see who could make it to the lake first, me or the weather. it was imperative that i win.
the clouds dissipated, but not before i found myself on the
north face of the mountain i was on
...i quickly learned that the north face of anything was
not where i wanted to be this time of year during this time of day, at this elevation. i was basically on the top of a giant ski hill without skis. feet were sufficiently wet at the bottom of this adventure. as a matter of fact they are still wet at this moment.
5-10-08 - morning:
this morning brought an interesting discovery, my shoes, which i set outside to dry, did not dry, rather they froze solid into two frosty blocks. fortunately the sun has certain thawing qualities, but who knows how long that will take. appears as though i came to this area at the right time of year, i keep seeing signs that say "no vehicles beyond this point" "motorized vehicles allowed here". apparently in the summer this area is very accessible and not very secluded, in the winter this place is frequented by snowmobiles, in early may, i almost guarantee i'm the only person for miles. ain't no vehicle making it to where i am.
i formed a new plan this morning, as soon as my rain fly is dry, i will pack up and head for coyote lake, about a mile east of here and for sure in the john muir wilderness. then, tomorrow i'll come back this direction, then on monday i'll head back toward the car. tuesday leave. this of course is tentative.
climbed to the top of some unnamed mountain

i want to live above the world,thought satan's darts at me are hurled,
for faith has caught the joyful sound,
the song of saints on
higher ground!"
"i want to scale the
utmost height,
and catch a gleam of
glory bright.
but still i pray 'till heaven i've found,
Lord plant my feet on higher ground"
it's been said that trips like this one are not an escape
from reality, but an escape
to reality. i believe this to be true! THIS! this is real! the man made hustle and bustle of schedules, appointments, gas prices, hum drum routines, that stuff is fake. this is life! this is reality!
dinner time:
it hit me today, while traveling down the river just how awesome this trip really is! h

ere i am wandering around in this practically winter wonderland without any deadlines besides sundown. despite my wet feet and sunburn i am having a spectacular time. i don't know if i could be having a better time anywhere else right now (except other wilderness areas) in the world.
5-11-08 - sunrise
as i sit here in my sleeping bag watching the sun rise, feeling it's warmth, listening to the river flow...the birds sing their individual tunes, watching a squirrel run accross the frozen snow, and just taking it all in, i'm struck with how grand this is. this life, this world. and yet a second thought hits me even harder. this,
even this, is empty and meaningless without connecting it to it's creator. i realize in a real way that my heart yearns not just for the peaceful solitude of nature, but also the connection with my father and creator that it facilitates. somehow, surrounded by creation, that connection has potential to be stronger, fuller, more real than in other places.
my God is not the kind of god to create all this like a giant amusement park to keep us occupied, like a father that gives a child a pacifier because he knows they will enjoy it and stop crying. rather he wants to experience it
with us, in connection with us. he wants to be there to discover our discoveries with us, to experience it all right by our side, like a father that takes his son fishing, or that dances
with his daughter.
if i had walked out of here, gotten back in my car and driven away without this experience, i would have gained nothing. more than that, i would have left my father standing alone, like a person stood up by a careless date, with a twinge of pain that comes from missed opportunity, a certain emptiness that can only be filled by connection with his children.
"for what does it profit a man if he gains the whole world,
but loses his own soul?"
5-11-08 - sometime:
"in july or august," i thought, "it's too cold now." "too cold?" i responded, "that's something my sister would say!" so, i found a really good looking spot and made my decision, i needed to cross

anyway, i would just swim across. so i took off everything i was wearing, stuffed it in my camelbak and chucked it across a narrow spot. suddenly i recalled not two hours earlier sitting next to this same river shivering while pumping water. now i stood in the buff about to jump into the waters that probably just melted yesterday! i stood there for probably twenty minutes arguing with myself, then, finally, i took the plunge! that could be the coldest water i've ever swam in. either that or that time in feb. or mar. at camp mivoden. it was cold. i jumped out the other side panting and gasping and immediately tried to warm myself. 5 minutes later i thought, "worth it!"
once i made it back to red lake area i discovered that one of my trusty walking sticks that i

picked up on friday doubles as a life saving device. who knew? i saw a summer outhouse and decided, for some reason, to take a closer look. upon looking closer i saw that the lower 1/3 of the makeshift bathroom was wrapped in a wire fencing material, and wedged between this and the outer wall was a marmot! "poor guy." i thought. i've gotten myself into some pretty sticky situations, but this one? how did he manage to get stuck in there? i was wondering how long he'd been dead when i could have sworn i saw him blink. sure enough, he blinked again, and closer inspection revealed that he was indeed breathing. i bent over, looked him square in the eye and said, "don't give up little buddy, you're gonna make it." using the bigger of my two sticks i began prying some of the nails off and pulling the fencing away, my little marmot friend watching all the while. soon enough i had made a way of escape for the little bugger, but for some reason or another, he wasn't taking it. i made like i was going to poke him a couple of times to prod him out, and he clicked at me threateningly, as if to say, "you touch me with that thing, and i'll scratch your sunburn!" so i backed away and he wriggled free. "that's the thanks i get?" i wondered, "i don't know if you realize this, but if i were starving and had a gun, you could have been my meal."
so maybe i saved his life, maybe i didn't. one thing's for sure either way, i damaged usfs property at red lake on may 11, 2008.
wandered westward toward the car about a mile and here i sit.
very sunburned, and
very tired. i hope i sleep well tonight.
5-12-08 9:58 a.m.:
i'm headed out now. my poor nose can't take it any more. i'm only four miles, as the crow flies, from my car, but it's all down hill from here (mostly). it shouldn't take long. i have mixed emotions about leaving, but i think i'm ready to go. one day early for the sake of a shower before we meet tomorrow. it's not over till the engine starts on the doob though. 4 more miles...
1:45 p.m.
i made it out alive! i guess i can dispose of that if-you-read-this-i'm-dead note.
"the one thing better than solitude,
only thing better than solitude,